Dans sa dernière Newsletter, e-agriculture sélectionne 3 documents de la FAO qui font le point et présentent des exemples d’usages d’outils numériques en agriculture dans les pays du sud.
– E-Agriculture in Action
E-agriculture or ICT in agriculture holds great promise in providing access to innovative solutions to many challenges faced by smallholder resource-poor farmers. Access to the right information at the right time makes a great impact on the livelihoods of communities involved in agriculture and allied activities. This publication presents case studies in innovative use of emerging technologies to significantly improve the living standards of farming communities. Read more
– Success stories on information and communication technologies for agriculture and rural development
Family farming remains the predominant form of agriculture in Asia and the Pacific. There are more than 570 million farms in the world of which over 500 million are family-owned. They are responsible for at least 56 percent of agricultural production…Read more
– Case study on the use of ICTs in the management of rural groundwater in China
The case study focuses on the application of ICards in groundwater irrigation management in China. This is against a problem be facing China –a country with scarce per capita freshwater resources. This research focused on four townships in Sanhe City, Hebei Province, China as research sites and conducted fieldwork studying groundwater management in six villages using the ICard and two villages without ICard use…Read more