Coordination de plusieurs machines sur une parcelle : le témoignage d'un utilisateur aux états-unis

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Coordination de plusieurs machines sur une parcelle : le témoignage d'un utilisateur aux états-unis

Un article de Farmindustry (à cette adresse) qui présente le témoignage d’une entrepreneur sur l’intérêt de la coordination des machines sur une parcelle à travers l’exemple du système Machine Sync product de John Deere.
 »  As farms get larger, producers are working to maximize the labor they have available, which often means having multiple machines at work in the same field. The challenge is that when two machines are running, coordinating their autoguidance and preventing overlap can be difficult. Machines don’t share information about the areas they’ve covered well.
Todd Goldsmith, Corning, Iowa, is learning the value of new technology that not only helps coordinate multiple machines in a field, but also improves planting accuracy and yield measurement accuracy. He is an early user of a new tool being rolled out for 2015 from John Deere. It’s an enhancement to the company’s Machine Sync product. Machine Sync uses a machine communication radio to create an in-field, high-speed wireless network to facilitate machine-to-machine communication. The first use of the technology was the ability for a combine to “call” a tractor with a grain cart and link it into a synchronized position for on-the-go unloading. However, that network can also transmit other data from machine to machine… »