Offre de Thèse avec Landcare Research (NZ)

Colloque open data en agriculture – 12 Novembre Paris
octobre 8, 2013
Palmares Agritecnica 2013
octobre 11, 2013
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Offre de Thèse avec Landcare Research (NZ)

Bonjour a tous,
Landcare Research – Manaaki Whenua, l’institut de recherche neo-zelandais en sciences de l’environement, propose une bourse de these sur la cartographie des stocks de carbone. Le descriptif de la bourse est le suivant:

Landcare Research PhD Scholarship – Spatial Studies of Soil Organic Matter
A three year full-time PhD scholarship is offered to a suitable candidate to study soil organic matter at our Palmerston North site.
This PhD study will develop innovative digital soil mapping methods to assess the spatial variability of soil organic matter (total carbon and carbon fractions) across landscapes, so that soil processes that impact on stabilisation and decomposition are more fully understood, and therefore managed to maintain or increase soil organic matter content in our productive agricultural soils.
These studies will allow the student to develop spatial modelling methods using environmental and sensor data (electromagnetic, Vis-NIR) and derive models to account for the main factors determining soil organic matter content. There are opportunities to develop field sensor survey methods and laboratory soil organic matter characterisation methods, whilst maintaining a strong focus on the digital soil mapping component.
The candidate should have an appropriate first degree, with experience in soil studies and digital soil mapping method. Skills in open-source scripting languages (e.g. R, Python) and their spatial extensions are preferable. A full driver’s licence is essential. A NZ$30,000 per annum scholarship will be provided to cover full tuition fees and living allowance.
The successful candidate will be co-supervised by Landcare Research and the Soil Sciences Group, Massey University.
Please contact: Dr Carolyn Hedley for further information ( Applications Close: 15 November, 2013.

Comme je co-superviserai le candidat, vous pouvez egalement me contacter directement (et en francais!).